Your Safety is our Priority
In the construction industry everything starts and finishes with Safety in mind. Overall the industry has made huge strides in improving accident rates, their severity and downtime. This means both employers and employee’s have worked hard to ensure everyone makes it home safe at the end of the day.
At Horizon we are proud supporters of Worksafe, ITA, CCA and was one of the first companies in our industry group to become COR certified. However, we know Safety isn’t a certificate on your wall, it’s a constant learning process and takes everyone doing their part and evolving their programs to be the best they can be.
At Horizon our Employee Safety is paramount; review our OHS Program Here
Safe Work Practices & Procedures
Horizon Safe Work Practices are generic instructions for the safe execution of every day tasks. They are also used to aid in creating site specific Safe Work Procedures, which are a step by step set of instructions for tasks that have multiple or complex components.
Safe Work Procedures must incorporate site-specific elements and hazards and must be created with your CSO, Foreman, or other qualified Supervisor to ensure all elements and risks have been addressed.
Safe Work Procedures need to be created whenever a new procedure is undertaken or circumstances change. Every Horizon employee must use Safe Work Practices and Procedures as directed by your Supervisor. Horizon Safe Work Practices can be found in the Horizon Safety Manual available through your CSO, Site Manager and Online.
Within our Safety Section you will find many resources available for your quick reference. These are not intended to replace safety meetings on site, but enhance the existing programs and provide additional support. Contact our Safety Managers for further assistance.
Tool Box Talks
Asbestos Removal
Basic Checklist
Basic Personal Protection Equipment And Clothing
Compressed Air For Cleaning
Electrical Power Lines
Electrical Power Tools And Cords
Fall Protection
Formwork And Forming
General Framing
Hand Tool Ergonomics
Housekeeping And On-Site Safety
Other Types Of Scaffold
Planning And Scheduling
Pneumatic Nailing And Stapling Equipment
Power Tools - Saws
Propane Safety
Roof Work
Trenches And Excavations
Confined Spaces
Lighting And Visibility
Concrete Pouring and Pumping
Electrical High Voltage
Job Built Ladders
Safe Ladder Use
Lock Out
Risks Of Hypothermia
Marking Underground Facilities
Asbestos Removal
Welding And Cutting Requirements
Hand Exposing Buried Facilities
Heat Exhaustion
Compressed Gases
Propane Safety
Heat Stroke
Lock Out Electrical
When To Use A Full Body Harness
Horizontal Lifelines
How Long Does It Take To Fall?
Inspecting Lanyards
Using The Right Lanyard
Vertical Lifelines
Shock Absorbers And Carabiners
Retractable Lifelines
Rope Grabs
When To Use A Safety Belt
Written Site Specific Fall Protection Plan
Putting On A Full Body Harness
Inspecting A Full Body Harness
Fall Restraint Or Fall Arrest
Fall Protection Anchors