How to Get Started
Whether you are new to the industry or a returning veteran of construction, we can find the right fit for you. Due to our robust client base, long standing relationships and regional exposure we can provide stable employment in your area, career advancement, health & dental and even your certifications and training on the job site.
Review existing postings below as well as more details around the advantages of working for Quolus and how to get started. Can’t find the right role? Contact us directly and we can add you to the on-call roster as we are always looking to add eager, hardworking individuals to our team and have new projects added almost weekly.
Office 604-943-1434 or or reach our Operations Manager directly at 403-789-4564
Our Advantage
At Horizon we endeavor to find the right job-site for for the right employee. Our size and client base allows us to have consistent work throughout the construction season and cycles, while our reach allows us to find work for our crews near their residence whenever possible
- Competitive Compensation based on Market rates
- Experience, Skill & Certifications are factored
- Jobsite location & transportation costs may be factored
- We exceed employment standards
- Provide Health & Dental family coverage
- Holiday/Vacation pay/Sick Pay
-Group Retirement Plans
- We train & certify our employees
- Assist with career advancement & Apprenticeship
- Bring in 3rd party training when required on site
What our Employees are saying
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Asked Questions
Fill out the applicant section of the web site and include copies of all relevant certifications. Applicants will receive an in person interview where references and documents will be verified and the successful applicants will be given a safety orientation. Then these candidates will be dispatched either to a site or be given 'On-Call' status and placed in consideration for the next suitable employment opportunity. 'On-Call' workers will be granted access to the employee section of the web site where they can be updated on the current events at Horizon.
Horizon and its group of companies, have been in business since 1993, and has done so through the careful nurturing of its’ client and employee relationships. We understand our clients’ needs for qualified and reliable site help, and we understand an employee's needs to meet their personal and family obligations and to be engaged and content at work. After six months, we offer our full time employees optional M.S.P. and Extended Health plans. After 12 months of employment, we offer support in a variety of training programs, including Traffic Control, Forklift, Bobcat, Hoist, First Aid, Safety, and Carpentry apprenticeships. Horizon cares about the well being of its workers and their job sites and as such we are the first company it its’ classification to receive C.O.R. status from WorkSafe. The majority of our workforce has enjoyed multi-year careers with Horizon.
Initially, you will be sent to a job site to work under the direction of the Site Superintendent, who will assign you to work with a part of his crew. It is highly recommended that you arrive at least fifteen minutes early so you can receive a site specific safety orientation and familiarize yourself with the general layout of the site. While you will usually have other Horizon coworkers on site who can answer some of the questions you might have, the superintendent to whom you are assigned will give you direction and assign tasks. It is better to ask an extra question than to perform the wrong thing. The Safety Officer on site can help you with certain procedures if you are unfamiliar with them and our Site Manager (604-943-1434 Office directory) is there to support and represent you as well. Use the website and review the information available for safe work practices and procedures.
Every employee is expected to provide and maintain their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Skilled Labour should have their own basic tool belt, and carpenters are expected to have their own hand tools and a circular saw and drill. Specialty tools are usually supplied by the site, and any unusual requests can be sorted out in consultation with Horizon management and site staff.
Exactly what you should expect from your co-workers - an honest effort, reliability, and a professional attitude. Everyone at Horizon understands the competitiveness of the marketplace and our ability to land the next project is ultimately dependent on the work and performance of our crew. While skills can be taught, attitude is everything. Be professional, be the person you would want to work with when difficult tasks are at hand.
As an assignment is winding down, Horizon will review the work you have performed with you and your supervisor, and begin looking for the next, most suitable position for you. If the number of hours, or a change in the scope of your work warrants it, we will conduct a wage review at this time. Any new position will be clearly outlined to you and it would be expected that if you agree to the assignment, you would remain in place until the work has been completed. Horizon prides itself on keeping its core base of workers busy in any business environment. However, history has shown that housing starts in the region can vary greatly, so fluctuations in employment will occur in response to changing market conditions. What Horizon strives to do well is balance the inevitable 'ups and downs' of the industry over a larger client base, providing more options for employment for our staff. Furthermore, educational opportunities may also be available at these junctures, with all of our efforts backstopped by Employment Insurance.
No we do not. Employment Standards of Alberta (Factsheet) and Revenue Canada (Bulletin), by their first standard of measure, has determined that because of the control we have over your workday, ('what', 'where' and 'when' you work) that we have an employer-employee relationship. No contract or other circumstances would change that. Horizon is responsible for making all payroll and Worksafe submissions and paying you according to the rules, which means overtime, statutory holiday pay, and vacation pay. In addition you qualify for the government social safety net which includes Employment Insurance and the Canada Pension Plan. Contract work is usually instigated to cut the costs of the employer and illegally download responsibility onto the worker, and as such we do not offer contract work.
Our clients are happy with the way Horizon supports its workers and is content to keep the business relationship for their steady workforce positions. In some circumstances, it is advantageous for people to work directly for the General Contractor especially when it involves positions of responsibility and authority. These are positions Horizon can’t offer and we truly support the upward mobility for our workforce. We feel that its a true win/win/win. Our clients get the staff they’ve tested, liked, and need; our workers get the opportunity to better themselves, and we are seen as a valued player in the industry. These types of positions aren’t frequently available and are completely at the discretion of the client. Your job is to complete the work at hand, and not solicit these opportunities, but through your actions and hard work prove yourself worthy of consideration. If someone does make an offer, ask yourself, is it a promotion? Will I have greater responsibility and reward? Is it an improvement over my current situation? Job offers may come from other trades as well and you must ask the same questions. If you’re offered contract work, make sure you ask yourself who’s truly benefitting by this arrangement?